• Simple Ways to Preserve Your Transmission

    Transmission services are recommended to be performed according to manufacturer’s specifications. As you put miles on your car, you will also be creating wear and tear in your vehicle’s transmission. By bringing your car to a transmission shop in Sacramento , you will be able to make sure that its transmission runs smoothly for every mile that you drive. Along with routine transmission repair, there are several actions that you can take to extend the longevity of your transmission. Read on for an overview of some simple methods for preserving the transmission in your vehicle. transmission - repair

    Check Your Fluid

    Checking your transmission fluid regularly is a simple but effective way to prevent transmission repair problems. You can check your transmission fluid by carefully removing the dipstick while the engine is running. If you find that your transmission fluid is low, or you see signs of a fluid leak, you will need to refill your transmission fluid right away. Driving with low transmission fluid can severely damage your vehicle.

    Avoid Extreme Driving Conditions

    Your transmission will last longer if you drive gently, and under normal conditions. Driving across hilly terrain, accelerating very quickly, or towing heavy cargo can all put extra strain on your car’s transmission. While it may not be possible to avoid all extreme driving conditions, you will want to be aware of how your driving affects your car’s transmission. Being conscientious of the way that your drive your car will help you preserve its transmission.

    Schedule Key Maintenance Services

    Throughout the lifespan of your vehicle, it may require transmission services at important mileage milestones. Neglecting to follow the recommended transmission maintenance intervals for your car could cause your transmission to wear out faster. If your transmission is already having problems like harsh shifting, slipping, or delayed engagement, it could already be too late. To determine when your car needs transmission flushes and other services, you can talk to your mechanic. A trained mechanic will be able to provide you with the tips and information that you need to keep your car in peak driving shape.

  • How Long Do Brake Pads Last?

    When you bring your vehicle in for brake repair, your mechanic may recommend that you replace your brake pads. Since your brake pads absorb the majority of the friction that is created when you hit the brakes, they will need to be replaced at regular intervals. While there is no hard and fast number for the lifespan of a brake pad, you can generally expect your pads to last for around 30,000 to 70,000 miles. A shop that offers brake pad replacement near Sacramento can help you decide when it is time to schedule brake services for your car.

    There are several signs that your brake pads have reached the end of their lifespan. When it is time to replace your brake pads , you may start to hear a loud squealing noise coming from your brakes. This sound is an indication that your brake pads have worn down too far, and are in need of immediate replacement.

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  • Is Your Muffler Broken?

    A cracked or broken muffler is a serious car repair issue. When you watch this video, you will learn some key methods for identifying whether your muffler is broken. If your muffler is broken, you may find that your car makes a lot of noise while you drive. Since your muffler is located on the bottom of your vehicle, you may need to hire an auto mechanic in Sacramento to visually inspect the quality and condition of your muffler.

    In order to repair your broken muffler, it is a great idea to bring your vehicle to a shop that specializes in German automotive repair . Mechanics that are trained in German auto repair methods will be able to correctly identify and fix the muffler in your Mercedes. A German auto shop will also carry parts that are specifically designed for use in your foreign vehicle.

  • Checking Your Fuel Pressure

    In order for your vehicle to continue to run safely and efficiently, it’s essential that the fuel that flows into the engine is properly pressurized. If your fuel pressure is lower than it should be, this will likely result in substandard performance. If you don’t have the pressure adjusted, it can even lead to damage to your engine. In order to avoid the need for engine repair at a Sacramento auto shop, it’s smart for every car owner to take the time to learn how to check fuel pressure—and when to do it.

    What causes low fuel pressure? Low fuel pressure in your vehicle can be due to a number of causes. If you have a clogged filter, a defective or damaged fuel pump, or a malfunctioning regulator, it can result in inadequate fuel pressure. Whatever the cause is, however, it’s essential that you find out about your low fuel pressure right away.

    When should fuel pressure be checked? As a rule, your fuel pressure should be checked every time you have a professional inspection. You should also check your fuel pressure any time that you observe any of the symptoms of a potential problem. Some common warning signs of a fuel pressure issue include unusually high fuel pressure, backfiring, and difficulty driving uphill. If you’re getting poor mileage, that may also be a sign that you have a fuel pressure issue.

    How do you check your fuel pressure? Checking your fuel pressure is a quick and simple task. First, you’ll need to purchase a fuel pressure gauge. Be sure to have your vehicle owner’s manual on hand. Then, find the fuel pump test point on your vehicle and attach the gauge. Then, ask somebody else to start the engine while you look at the gauge. The gauge should come up to the appropriate reading for your vehicle, which you can find in your owner’s manual. If it doesn’t, then your fuel pressure isn’t at the right level.

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  • Testing Your Battery’s Voltage

    Every driver should know how to test a car battery. If you’re having trouble starting your car, you smell a bad odor coming from under your hood, or your dashboard warning light comes on, the first step you should take is to test your battery. You can do this using an ohmmeter, a simple device you can buy at any store that sells auto accessories. To use the ohmmeter, turn your engine off—along with any electronically powered functions, such as your headlights—and lift the hood of your car. Then, set your ohmmeter to about 25 volts. Attach the ohmmeter’s positive cable to the battery’s positive terminal, then do the same for the negative cable and the negative terminal. If your reading shows that your battery is 12.5 volts or higher, your battery is at 75% capacity or higher; if it’s 12 volts or lower, your battery is low or dead. If your car’s battery or electrical system is in need of professional attention, bring it to a qualified auto shop in Sacramento.

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  • Using Smoke Tests to Find Air Leaks

    Every vehicle’s engine contains a series of vacuum hoses, which it uses to control everything from your brakes to your emissions. Without these vacuum hoses, your vehicle not only couldn’t run efficiently; it couldn’t run at all. That’s why a single air leak can spell trouble for your vehicle. If you suspect that there is a leak in your engine, take your vehicle to a Sacramento auto shop to have a professional car diagnostic performed. Here is a quick guide to how a simple smoke test can tell you whether there is a leak in one of your engine’s vacuum hoses. car - diagnostic

    Why air leaks are dangerous. In most contexts, air leaks may be irritating, but not hazardous. In the case of a vacuum hose, an air leak can hurt the performance of your engine. It can even trigger other issues inside your engine, resulting in potential damage. A vehicle with a malfunctioning engine is unsafe to drive. That’s why it’s so important that you get your engine checked as soon as you have cause to suspect that there may be an issue.

    How to tell if you have an air leak. Most of the time, an air leak in one of your vacuum hoses will cause the red warning light on your dashboard to light up. However, you should also be alert to any reduction in fuel efficiency, which may suggest an air leak. You might also listen for any strange noises coming from under your hood. If you’re in doubt, have your engine professionally inspected.

    How a smoke test can reveal an air leak. A professional at an auto shop can determine whether or not there is an air leak in one of your hoses using a smoke test. In this test, a special smoke machine is used to send white smoke through your vacuum hoses. If there is a leak anywhere, the smoke will seep out through it. The smoke is controlled by a regulator that ensures that the level of smoke isn’t high enough to do any damage to your engine.

  • Getting Peace of Mind with a Frank’s Automotive Warranty

    At Frank’s Automotive, we are dedicated to ensuring the satisfaction of every customer that we assist. In order to show that we stand behind the excellence of our repairs, we are thrilled to offer a comprehensive warranty to all of our customers. When you bring your car to our auto shop in Sacramento, you can rest assured that your car repairs will be completely covered by this warranty.

    Before you book your auto repair appointment, it is a great idea to learn more about the benefits of our warranty. Under our warranty, your car repair services will be covered for a 24 month period. If you are dissatisfied with our workmanship within two years after your initial service date, you can bring your car back to us for a free car repair service. In order to be eligible for our warranty, you will need to have your car inspected within 6 months of your procedure.

    To learn more click here.

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  • Should You Have a Pre-Purchase Inspection?

    If you are looking to buy a vehicle without spending too much money, you may look towards used cars. Although this can be a great way to find the car you need for a reasonable price, it is a good idea to have a pre-purchase inspection in Sacramento before you offer your signature. This type of assessment can give you the peace of mind you need to be confident in your purchase, and it can help you steer clear of vehicles with hidden problems that you would otherwise need to address on your own. Here is a closer look at pre-purchase inspections.

    A pre-purchase inspection gives you the opportunity to make the most informed decision possible when buying a car. Some car salespeople are more trustworthy than others, and the shadier ones might try to pull some tricks to get you to buy a car that’s not worth purchasing. A pre-purchase inspection will give you an accurate idea of what kind of shape the car is in and what types of repairs might be necessary in the future. After this kind of inspection, you should have a better idea of whether or not the car in question is right for you.

  • Why Your Brakes Are Failing Quickly

    There are not many riskier maneuvers you can engage in than driving a car with faulty brakes, which is why brake repair in Sacramento is so crucial to your safety. Additionally, it is essential to the safety of other drivers and pedestrians who might cross your path. If your brakes are not in the shape they should be and require brake service, consider the way you are using them. Some people overuse their brakes, which can wear them out quickly and lead to the need for brake repair; make sure you are not doing this yourself. You might also experience brake problems because your car is carrying too much weight. Read on to learn why your brakes are failing quickly.

    You’re Using Them Improperly

    Your brakes might fail for a number of different reasons, but it often occurs when drivers don’t use them the right way. Some drivers overuse their brake pedals; this tends to be most common in those who use both feet, as pushing your gas and brake pedals at the same time can wear out your brakes quickly. If you often find yourself squealing on the brakes at high speeds, you can count on them failing sooner rather than later.

    You’re Braking Because Others Are

    It’s easy to follow the flow of traffic, but sometimes the drivers ahead of you are making the same types of braking mistakes that you would like to avoid. There tend to be certain areas where people slow down more than is necessary; if you are cruising along and happen to be behind them, you might need to hit the brakes a little harder than you would think. It helps to keep an eye out and notice the driving habits of those around you, that way you can slow down with plenty of time to spare and keep your brakes in shape.

    Your Vehicle Is Overfilled

    The heavier your vehicle is, the harder your brakes must work to bring your car to a stop. If you consistently drive around with a heavy load in your vehicle, your brakes will probably wear out sooner than they should. Try to keep your car light to keep your brakes intact and avoid the need for brake repair.

  • A Closer Look at Your Car’s Transmission

    Transmission repairs in Sacramento should never be put off; the longer you wait to address a transmission problem, the bigger the issue will become. Many drivers are actually unaware of how their transmissions work. Watch this video clip if you would like a closer look at your car’s transmission.

    Your car’s transmission relies on a system of gears in order to keep your vehicle moving at the proper speed and allow you to control your brakes with ease. An automatic transmission accomplishes this with the help of a planetary gear set. This includes a central sun gear with smaller planetary gears alongside; a planet carrier encases this entire system. Different gears and rotation speeds create different ratios, and this is what accelerates or decelerates your car. Your transmission makes use of input and output shafts to receive information from the driver, and an intermediate shaft facilitates the communication.